One Challenge at a Time


One Challenge at a Time is a deck of cards for personal development, combining small daily challenges and bigger endeavours to be pursued over a week-end or a whole week.

These cards aim at trying new things. Those may or may not improve your lives, but they are worth a try.

How to use the deck?

Choose a Daily and a Week-end card each week. Place it on your nightstand, or somewhere you will see it at the beginning of your day.


Remember: It’s okay to miss a day, it’s okay to skip a card, it’s okay to repeat some cards, it’s okay to adapt it to your own way.

When you’ve tried all cards, shuffle the deck and try them again, or use the empty ones to create your own challenges.

Daily cards

A Daily card is an activity you have to do every day for at least a week.
It usually requires between 5 to 30 minutes each day.
You can keep the Daily card for more than a week if it feels good.

Week-end cards

A Week-end card is an activity to do over the week-end, or during a day off.
It can take from a couple of hours to the whole two days.
You can keep a specific card on the side for a planned week-end.

Credits: Most, if not all, challenge ideas come from great thinkers and authors of personnal development. Look into them: David Allen, Dale Carnegie, Ben Horowitz, Marie Kondo, Elizabeth Warren…